Tuesday, 31 December 2013



1) The Infinitive. Forms of the Infinitive. The Use of the Bare Infinitive. Syntactical Functions of the Infinitive. 

Перепелица Яна - March 4, 2013

2) The Infinitive. Infinitive Constructions. 
Лапшина Юлия - March 11, 2013

3) The Gerund. Nominal and Verbal Characteristic Features of the Gerund. Syntactical Functions of the Gerund. The Use of the Gerund. 
Гребенева Яна - March 18, 2013

4) The Gerund. Predicative Constructions with the Gerund. 
Ширкалина Лера - March 25, 2013

5) The Gerund and the Infinitive compared
Снадина Елена - April 1, 2013

6) Participle I: forms, meaning, features, functions in the sentence, use. 
Титова Екатерина - April 8, 2013

7) Participle II: forms, meaning, features, functions in the sentence, use. 
Кузнецова Надежда - April 15, 2013

8) The Preposition: meaning, classification and use. 
Скворцов Дмитрий April 22, 2013

9) The Preposition: phrasal verbs and set expressions (noun + preposition, adjective + preposition) 
Фадеева Екатерина - April 29, 2013

10) The Conjunction: meaning, classification and use. 
Стрельцова Анастасия - May 6, 2013

11) The Numeral: meaning, classification and use. 
Ворожейкина Дарья - May 13, 2013

12) The Subject-verb agreement. 
Борисова Лилия - May 20, 2013

13) Word order. 
Демидова Ирина - May 27, 2013



1) The Adjective. Meaning. Degrees of comparison. Order of adjectives. 
Пыженко Юлия - December 3, 2012 
2) The Adverb. Meaning. Classification according to the meaning. Degrees of comparison.  

Леонова Елизавета- December 10, 2012 

3) The Pronoun. Meaning. The main groups of pronouns, their forms, meaning and use. 

Штрыкова Алена - December 17, 2012 
4) Modal Verbs can, could, be able: meaning and use. 

Бурченко Анастасия - December 24, 2012 
5) Modal Verbs may, might: meaning and use. 

Тимофеева Виктория - December 31, 2012 
6) Modal Verbs must, have to, be to: meaning and use. 

Гуляева Ольга - January 7, 2013 
7) Modal Verbs shall, will, dare: meaning and use. 

Рудинская Вера - January 14, 2013 
8) Modal Verbs should, ought to, need: meaning and use. 

Царькова Елизавета - January 21, 2013 
9) Modal Verbs would, used to, to be used to: meaning and use. 

Просочкина Александра - January 28, 2013 
10) The Subjunctive Mood. The Conditional Mood. Subjunctive II. Suppositional Mood. 

Кускова Наталья и Скачкова Надежда February 4, 2013 and February 11, 2013



1) The Noun. Classification. The Categories of Number and Case, nouns; singular and plural. Шестопалова Елена - September 3, 2012

2) The definite article. General characteristics. Use in communication. Лопухов Андрей - September 10, 2012

3) The indefinite article. General characteristics. Use in communication.Совкова Анастасия - September 17, 2012

4) The zero article. General characteristics. Use in communication. 
Минаева Анастасия - September 24, 2012

5) The Indefinite Form. The Present Indefinite. The Past Indefinite. The Future In definite. The Future Indefinite in the Past. 
Коваленко Олег - October 1, 2012

6) The Continuous Form. The Present Continuous. The Past Continuous. The Future Continuous. The Future Continuous in the Past   
Лексанова Юлия- October 8, 2012

7) The Perfect Form. The Present Perfect. The Past Perfect. The Future Perfect. The Future Perfect in the Past. 
Трушина Маргарита -  October 15, 2012

8) The Perfect Continuous Form. The Present Perfect Continuous. The Past Perfect. Continuous. The Futurе Perfect Continuous. The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past. 
Нусс Татьяна - October 22, 2012

9) Tenses. Revision. 
Павлова Мария - October 29, 2012

10) The Passive Voice (1) 
Абрашкина Джулия - November 5, 2012

11) The Passive Voice (2)
Качковская Екатерина - November 5, 2012

12) Reported speech. Indirect questions, orders and statements, requests, exclamations.  Комбарова Екатерина - November 12, 2012

12) The rules of the sequence of tenses. 
Назарова Ирина - November 19, 2012.