Tuesday, 31 December 2013



1) The Infinitive. Forms of the Infinitive. The Use of the Bare Infinitive. Syntactical Functions of the Infinitive. 

Перепелица Яна - March 4, 2013

2) The Infinitive. Infinitive Constructions. 
Лапшина Юлия - March 11, 2013

3) The Gerund. Nominal and Verbal Characteristic Features of the Gerund. Syntactical Functions of the Gerund. The Use of the Gerund. 
Гребенева Яна - March 18, 2013

4) The Gerund. Predicative Constructions with the Gerund. 
Ширкалина Лера - March 25, 2013

5) The Gerund and the Infinitive compared
Снадина Елена - April 1, 2013

6) Participle I: forms, meaning, features, functions in the sentence, use. 
Титова Екатерина - April 8, 2013

7) Participle II: forms, meaning, features, functions in the sentence, use. 
Кузнецова Надежда - April 15, 2013

8) The Preposition: meaning, classification and use. 
Скворцов Дмитрий April 22, 2013

9) The Preposition: phrasal verbs and set expressions (noun + preposition, adjective + preposition) 
Фадеева Екатерина - April 29, 2013

10) The Conjunction: meaning, classification and use. 
Стрельцова Анастасия - May 6, 2013

11) The Numeral: meaning, classification and use. 
Ворожейкина Дарья - May 13, 2013

12) The Subject-verb agreement. 
Борисова Лилия - May 20, 2013

13) Word order. 
Демидова Ирина - May 27, 2013

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